Parents and Carers
- SEN Support in Mainstream Schools
- SEN Support in School Meetings
- Choosing a School or College
- Education Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessments, Plans and Reviews
- Appeals and Mediation
- Attendance and Exclusions
- Transitioning Between Schools or Settings
- Early Years
- SEND Funding
- Transport to School and College
- Preparing For Adulthood (PfA)
- Making a Complaint
- Health Needs and Education
- Elective Home Education (EHE)
- School Admissions
- Disability Discrimination
- Children's Disability Register
Children’s Disability Register
The Children’s Disability Register is a secure database of children and young people with disabilities up to the age of 25 who live in Nottingham or Nottinghamshire, or who have their home base here. The Children Act 1989 requires all local authorities to maintain a register of disabled children. The information that you provide is then used by the authority to plan, monitor and develop appropriate facilities and services for disabled children and their families.
Registration is entirely voluntary, but this is a useful opportunity for you to let the authority know about your needs and the services that would be of use to you.
Please remember, you can ask for a copy of the information that is held about your child(ren) and/or ask for them to be removed at any time.
Things to bear in mind
- To be on the register a child or young person must have a permanent and substantial disability as a result of either a disability, a permanent health condition or a long-term illness or be seeking a diagnosis.
- The child or young person must be under 25 and live in Nottingham or Nottinghamshire.
- Anyone with parental responsibility can complete this form for a child or young person aged 16 or under.
- Young people who are over 16 can complete their own form.
- There are four sections to the form. The more information you provide the better, but if there are questions that don’t apply to you or your child then just leave them blank.
- If you need advice or assistance in filling in the form please call Ask Us on 0800 121 7772.
- If you have two or more children with a disability then you will need to complete a registration form for each child
If you are a Nottingham City resident, your can add your child to the Nottingham City Children's Disability Register here
If you are a Nottinghamshire County resident, you can add your child to the Nottinghamshire County Children's Disability Register
SEND Local Offer
The Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council SEND Local Offers are a great resource for finding events, support and activities in your area.
City Council County Council