SEN Support in Mainstream Schools

This information is about the support that mainstream schools must and should provide for children with special educational needs (SEN).

The SEND Code of Practice says:

All children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they:

  • achieve their best
  • become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and
  • make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education, or training.

For some children to make progress, they need extra support in school, called SEN Support, which is ‘over and above’ the support that other children require.

Notts special educational needs and disabilities SEND Local Offer. Information services and support all in one place.

SEND Local Offer

The Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council SEND Local Offers are a great resource for finding events, support and activities in your area.

City Council County Council