Appeals and Mediation

Wherever possible, issues and disagreements should be discussed and resolved at the earliest opportunity. This may be an informal chat with a teacher, social worker or health professional initially. Educational providers, the Local Authority and independent services will have their own published policies and/or guidance for addressing complaints and disagreements and the arrangements described below are not intended to replace these. Please see ‘Making a Complaint’ section.

However, there may be instances where a more formal opportunity, for meeting with those involved in supporting children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (helped by a neutral third party) is required. This meeting would include the parents and/or carers and may also involve the children and young people themselves.

Notts special educational needs and disabilities SEND Local Offer. Information services and support all in one place.

SEND Local Offer

The Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council SEND Local Offers are a great resource for finding events, support and activities in your area.

City Council County Council