Moving into Adult Health Services

Moving from children’s services to adult services is often called transition.

When we talk about transition, we mean the time when a young person, who has health needs, moves from childhood into adulthood.

It is important that you have the right information, at the right time, to make sure you’re preparing for adulthood, and your transitions into adult services.

You should know what to expect when moving to adult health services and what support you may need to do this. It is important that you and your family feel supported to learn about these changes, and how you can become as independent as possible when accessing adult health services.

It is essential that the care you get is appropriate for your age and needs as you grow into an adult.

  • If you still see a nurse or therapist, as you get older, you might need to move to an adult service between the ages of 16-19 years.
  • Some people might need to stay in children’s services longer, depending on which team you see (19-25 years).
  • Some people may just see a nurse or therapist for a few appointments and might go back to seeing their GP for health advice.

You can find an easy read guide here – Preparing for Adulthood Transition.

More information at the NHS website on Preparing for Adulthood and Transition.

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